You have the choice to either help the sim, be mean to them or ignore them.Help A Crushing Sim Hook Up With Their Crush (SP Level 4).Help A Clout Chasing Sim Gain Followers (SP Level 3).Help A Sim With Their Fashion Choices (SP Level 2).Help A Sad Sim Feel Better (SP Level 1).Help A Sim With Social Advice (SP Level 1).Sims will approach your sim to ask for help Available Situations:.The Feathers NPC Squad Social Help: On each social popularity level, your sim will be able to help sims with social situations.Their lifespan is being subtly reduced for every moment they spend with these health issues. On the other hand, good fitness can extend your sim’s lifespan.0.5 Update: When Sims are experiencing low blood pressure, there is less effect on their lifespan than with other health issues, but they now experience occasional symptoms of aches and dizziness. Being overweight or underweight will make your sims get tired a little faster, and need a little more sleep to be rested.Being overweight/underweight or having high/low blood pressure, can result in a higher risk of further problems with your Sim’s health. It can be affected by a Sim’s age, traits, and fitness, and can fluctuate with their mood, energy levels, and hydration.Weight: also a new health data feature that tracks the fitness and fat of your Sim. Details on health issues.Blood Pressure: a new Health Data Point that is being tracked with this mod.

Following the doctor’s advice might be something you want to do because if left unchecked these health issues could lead to earlier natural death.